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Tuesday 25 June 2013

'Wonder is the feeling of the philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.' Plato

What is Philosophy? A dictionary would define it as 'the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence, especially when considered an academic discipline' 
What is this complicated definition, and why does it make things sound harder than they are?
Essentially, Philosophy is an examination of the world, and a critical one. This requires one to ask questions. It is from here that the common stereotype of a man stroking his beard comes into being. However, funny as it is, the questions asked by the philosopher are the same questions a person will ask themselves during there lifetime: 'Is there a God?','Why are we here?', or 'Why be morally and ethically good?' To that extent we all have the attributes of the philosopher, and whether you are 5,15 or an 85 year old man stroking his beard, when you ask and examine these questions, you are doing philosophy!
The true philosopher will not just ask questions; he or she will attempt to answer them, in addition to examining the answers of others, as well as evaluating the methods that may be used to reach answers.
Philosophy can be fun if you let it be,it is easy to forget that. I wish to make it as enjoyable as possible!