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Monday 8 July 2013


Far from being irrelevant or dead, Philosophy and philosophical concepts underlie some of the most fiercely debated social issues in our world today*. So it should come as no surprise that I believe Philosophy must be studied.

Initially, I was interested in the issues discussed which included those within ethics (moral philosophy), morality and philosophy, and with the perspective of religion. What should we use a source of morality? Scripture, Conscience, or the word of religious authorities? Should we depend on deontological commands or approach questions situationally and assess actions by their consequences, giving good moral actions instrumental value, not intrinsic value? How moral is euthanasia? Is abortion murder? How do we evaluate the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies such as IVF? Are they always a good idea? 

On the philosophical side, the question of 'Does God exist?' and to what extent disciplines such as science challenge religion and religious beliefs; Can the two ever work together, or do they oppose one another? Can arguments be used to prove God's existence, such as Aquinas's five ways, Anselm's Ontological argument or through religious experience? To what extent is evil 'the rock of atheism' (David Hume) a problem for the theist? Can we ever logically verify a statement? How does the use of language affect our views on philosophical and moral issues? How do other disciplines such as logic, metaphysics and mathematics affect our views on philosophy? 

Such questions can never definitely be answered. The arguments and the reasoning used to reach certain important conclusions by examining such issues is something that attracts me to the subject. It really is a discipline that challenges your own beliefs and your ideas of how the world works. It is also a discipline that gives you new perspectives, examining ideas you may never have come across, or new issues that you may not given much thought to. It helps you structure an argument, and makes you read and write critically, skills that are useful not just useful in philosophy! 

The idea for a blog where I could discuss the problems of philosophy came to me a few months ago. However, at this time I was taking important AS examinations which forced me to wait until June to create the blog. Even so, I wish that this blog is helpful and that you gain new ideas and new insights into some very demanding questions.

Please leave any appropriate feedback and ask any questions you may have. Happy reading!

*Evolution vs Creationism
*Surrogacy (famous case of Baby M)
*Relationship between Morality and Religion

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